"Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go."
Make home made play dough
Make coffee filter flowers
Easy calming glitter jars
Design cards for your friends
Make slime
Make a necklace out of beads or pasta
Choreograph a dance
Plan and perform a play
Make shadow puppets
Mix shaving cream & food coloring
Baking soda and vinegar eruption
Create a design with popsicle sticks
Paint rocks
Create something from a large box
Create a secret code
Create an art gallery with your artwork
Make crystals
Tie Dye something
Paper plate snowflakes
Make oobleck
Play around with oil and watercolors
Rubber band art
Leave notes or gifts in neighbor’s mailboxes
Create and bury a time capsule
Create an indoor obstacle course
Do a blind taste test
Write letters to family or friends
Make a collage
Bake a snack
Paint with sponges