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"Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go."
Go for a walk with your family
Do some yoga
Do a puzzle
Play a card game
Jump around
Use a stress ball or clay
Cuddle with a stuffed animal
Make art
Blow bubbles
Sing or dance
Watch a funny video
Kick, bounce or throw a ball
Help clean or organize around the house
Drink some tea
Watch a movie
Color, draw or paint
Take a nap
Ride a bike
Read a book
Talk to a friend
Use positive self talk
Chew a piece of gum
Do some jumping jacks
Write in a journal
Listen to your favorite music
Have a personal time-out
Slowly count to 10
Make a gratitude list
Give someone a hug
Rip up paper
Close your eyes and think about your
favorite place or favorite memory
Make a gratitude list
Take a bath
Go out and garden
Practice deep breathing
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