I hope you all had a wonderful little break from distance learning and I also hope all of you are getting the hang of log-ing in. If you are still having a difficult time accessing materials, please e-mail your teachers. Along with getting a good nights rest, eating healthy meals and drinking plenty of fluids, we should also remember the importance of getting our heart rates up. Here are just a few benefits of staying active and you can read more on https://www.care.com/c/stories/10367/why-kids-need-exercise-guide-to-childrens-exercise/
~Develops muscle tone
~Keeps bones strong
~Improves cardiovascular capacity
~Enhances self-esteem
~Increases concentration and alertness
~Fosters feelings of happiness
Without attending PE regularly, I challenge you to get up and get moving a couple times a week, make it a family activity and stay healthy.
I will add a couple of videos that will serve as a guide :)